Study Abroad

About Study Abroad

Find the best study abroad program for you.

Studying abroad is a must-do for any college student. Studying abroad has become synonymous with higher education, much like living in a dorm, rushing a Greek group, or dozing through an exam. That does not, however, imply that it will be a simple experience! Many students who want to study abroad have no idea where (or how) to start their search for study abroad opportunities. There's good news! GoAbroad will help you make your study abroad aspirations a reality, whether you want to eat pizza in Rome, hike El Camino de Santiago in Spain, visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris (or go completely off the beaten path in study abroad countries like Ecuador, Morocco, India, and more!).

How to study abroad

The first step is to decide that you wish to study abroad. It can be a little more difficult to figure out how to do it—or at least it can feel that way. It's actually as simple as answering the following questions if you want to learn how to study abroad:

Where do you wish to study in another country? This is a difficult question to answer! It can be difficult to choose between so many exciting destinations to visit if you're an adventurer at heart, especially since study abroad is often a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, the answer to this question is frequently influenced by your academic and professional objectives (or personal goals). Do you have a language in mind that you'd want to learn? Do you have any credits to complete before you graduate? A UNESCO World Heritage Site that you must see with your own eyes? Everything else will come into place once you've decided what you want to get out of your trip. You may learn more about the finest places to study abroad in the sections below.

Will you study abroad as part of your university programme or through a third-party organisation? So, what exactly is a third-party study abroad company? Many students are unaware that there are hundreds of organisations through which you can study abroad—you are not required to go via your university! This is especially useful for students who desire to participate in a study abroad programme that their local university does not offer. Studying abroad through your university, on the other hand, can make it easier to get credits or apply for financial aid or loans to cover tuition.

How are you going to save money for your study abroad? How are you going to pay for it? More on this below, but think about if you (or your parents/guardians) will be able to pay for study abroad tuition out of pocket, if your loans or FAFSA will cover the experience, or if you'll need to apply for scholarships and grants to study abroad. (Hint: Don't be discouraged by this question! There are numerous study abroad scholarships available.) You can also save for study abroad by doing things like fundraisers or coming up with more creative ways to save.