Physical Education With Mathematics in Dublin City University, Ireland

Physical Education With Mathematics in Dublin City University

Why do this course?

This course involves three strands:

  • Physical Education: The physical education element of the course has theoretical and practical aspects. The theoretical part involves the academic study of human movement through subjects like psychology, biomechanics (the science of movement) and sociology. The practical elements will enhance your teaching skills by engaging you in a range of competitive, aesthetic, adventure, aquatic and artistic activities.

  • Mathematics: You’ll learn the core elements of the mathematics curriculum, including mathematics for the physical sciences, linear mathematics, calculus, differential equations, numerical methods and abstract algebra. In addition, you’ll complete a number of modules focused on how to teach mathematics content in second-level schools.

  • Education Studies: This part of the course integrates educational theory and practice through ‘coaching rather than teaching’. This involves group work, reflective diaries, online reporting and reflection, case studies and other problem-based learning approaches to gaining the skills, knowledge and mindset necessary to teaching in a changing environment.

What opportunities might it lead to?

When you graduate in addition to pursuing further education you will also be qualified to follow a career in:

  • Coaching
  • Sports Development
  • Teaching
Duration :

4 Years





Tuition & fees

€ 15,000 Per Year







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