Biological And Biomedical Sciences in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Biological And Biomedical Sciences in Trinity College Dublin

Biology is the study of living things; we explore how life first arose: the properties that distinguish living organisms from inert matter; how the vast diversity of life forms was generated; how organisms reproduce themselves; how they interact both with each other and with the environment. Biology is fundamental to understanding the world we live in and plays a huge role in medicine.

Modern biological science is unravelling the mysteries of life; it is helping us to meet the challenge of illnesses such as dementia and cancer, to defend against new viruses and drug- resistant bacteria, and to protect ecosystems from climate change and other threats.

Structure of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TR060) programme

In this stream, students will study the core concepts that are fundamental to all biological systems. These will be presented in core modules during the Fresh years and will include: cell structure and composition, genetics and evolution, molecular biology, metabolism, anatomy and physiology of bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, ecosystems and environmental biology. Students will also acquire mathematical, statistical and computational skills. Students have the opportunity to expand their scientific knowledge and to pursue their individual interests by choosing from a variety of elective modules including topics such as history and philosophy of science, cancer and behaviour.

In the third year, students specialise in one of the 11 moderatorships offered in this stream: Biochemistry; Botany; Environmental Science; Genetics; Human Genetics; Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Medicine; Neuroscience; Physiology; Zoology. The fundamental concepts of that discipline will be presented in core modules while students will also select from a variety of modules from allied disciplines that enhance understanding of their chosen discipline and encourage interdisciplinary thinking and research. Students can also experience the wide range of knowledge and investigation available throughout the university by choosing from a range of Trinity’s electives. In the fourth year students choose from a selection of modules on advanced topics within their discipline. They will also undertake a research project in Trinity or in a research laboratory in another university, research institute or hospital. Throughout this program, students will also acquire skill in problem solving and data handling and in oral and written communication.

This science education programme is designed to foster and develop a student’s capability for independent thought and effective communication, an ability to continue their education independently and to act in a responsible manner. These attributes are a preparation for a career in science and medicine (e.g. in research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry); for a career in related areas where a scientific education is beneficial (e.g. patent law, forensic science) and for careers in areas such as education, management, business, industry, communication and policy making.

Duration :

4 Years





Tuition & fees

€ 25,436 Per Year







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