Theoretical Physics in University College Dublin, Ireland
Theoretical Physics in University College Dublin
The UCD Theoretical Physics degree puts emphasis on the mathematical description of physical phenomena, providing a unified picture of the fundamental laws of nature. It’s ideally suited to students who enjoy studying Mathematics and Physics for their High School Exams. Insights from Theoretical Physics are driving our understanding of nature at all scales, from the origin of largescale structures in the universe to the Planck scale, where our current understanding of space and time breaks down. The degree comprehensively covers Theoretical Physics while developing your knowledge and expertise in problem solving, using analytical and computational techniques, which have wide application in, for example, biophysics, econophysics, quantum physics, relativity and nanoscience.
Theoretical Physics graduates can choose to develop careers in:
- Academic and government research institutions
- Energy technologies
- Information and communication technology
- Advanced materials [e.g. semiconductor industry]
- Management consulting, stock market and financial risk analysis
- Climate change and environmental impact analysis
- Second- and third-level education
Our Theoretical Physics graduates are well prepared for further research and have successfully completed PhDs in MIT, Caltech, Harvard, Princeton and Cambridge, as well as in UCD.
Duration :
Tuition & fees
€ 25,600 Per Year