Business Management MA in University of Limerick, Ireland

Business Management MA in University of Limerick

Specifically designed to meet the needs of NON-BUSINESS graduates who wish to develop an understanding of major business disciplines and pursue a business career. Provides a grounding in the knowledge and application of management principles, systems and techniques to a variety of organisational settings and contexts.

The core aims of the Business Management programme are:

  • To expose candidates to the fundamental principles underpinning modern management within a variety of organisational settings
  • To introduce wider environmental factors affecting organisations, including core aspects of the macro economic environment
  • To provide an understanding and appreciation of business process interdependencies
  • To provide candidates with an understanding of marketing as a 'management technology'
  • To examine the nature of the employment relationship, workplace behaviour and the management of human resources
  • To develop a thorough understanding of the rationale and methods of aspects of information and knowledge management
  • To introduce candidates to the fundamental concepts and practices of management accounting and finance
  • To introduce candidates to Communication theory and to critically evaluate key issues in the field
  • To explore issues impacting the management and handling of organisational strategy
  • To develop and apply business skills to decision making and planning problems in a business environment; and
  • To develop research and writing skills which will culminate in the submission of the MA Confirmation Paper.

Students completing the MA in Business Management have progressed into many different careers at some of the best national and international employers. The MA has continued to achieve a very high employment rate with graduates employed directly and also successfully gaining entry to and completing competitive graduate entry programmes. Typical positions include technical, managerial, administrative, marketing sales and production process roles. Employers range from retail to financial services to medical device and pharmaceutical to food, agribusiness, engineering, software and social network technology firms.

Duration :

1 Years





Tuition & fees

€ 13,007 Per Year







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