Bachelor Of Business Hons (economics & Finance) in Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland

Bachelor Of Business Hons (economics & Finance) in Waterford Institute of Technology

What is the Economics & Finance stream on the BBS (Hons) programme?

The Economics & Finance stream on the BBS (Hons) programme provides students with the opportunity to specialise in Economics and Finance for the final two years or their degree, taking modules such as Financial Economics, Economic Policy Issues, and Investments. The stream provides students with skills that are hugely in demand in the market place and provides a great platform for postgraduate studies, with many past graduates undertaking the E&F stream of the MBS degree in WIT and several have continued their studies and obtained a PhD qualification.  The stream applies economics and finance concepts to key contemporary issues such as Brexit, Crypto currencies, and economic crises and students are given the opportunity of testing theories on real-world data.

The financial services sector is the largest employer of graduates from WIT’s business school. The sector is expanding rapidly and one-third of jobs are created outside of Dublin. Graduates of the stream have successfully obtained employment in some of the largest Financial Services firms in the world such as Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citi, Bank of America, AIG, European Central Bank, OECD, PWC, and KPMG in the following areas/roles:

  • Derivatives Trader
  • Investment Analyst
  • Policy Analyst
  • Claims Analyst
  • Relationship Banker
  • Senior Custody Administrator
  • Underwriter
  • Teaching

Bachelor of Business (Hons) Economic & Finance Stream Career Opportunities

Graduates from this Programme have gone on to pursue a wide variety of careers, including careers in marketing, human resource management, accounting, consulting and banking and finance.  A graduate of this degree will be suitable to take up a position at a junior/middle management level in many types of business organisations ranging from small family businesses to multi-national corporations.  Graduates of the Economic and Finance stream will be very well-positioned to pursue a career in areas such as:

  • Derivatives Trader
  • Investment Analyst
  • Policy Analyst
  • Claims Analyst
  • Relationship Banker
  • Senior Custody Administrator
  • Underwriter
  • Teaching

Bachelor of Business (Hons) Scholarships & Awards

The Bachelor of Business (Hons) has a number of competitive awards and scholarships available to students including:

Duration :

4 Years





Tuition & fees

€ 10,250 Per Year







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