Master In Accountancy in University of Malta, Malta

Master In Accountancy in University of Malta

The aim of this course is to consolidate and enhance the accounting knowledge of the students, and give them the tools to be effective Accountancy professionals and to contribute towards the Accountancy profession.

The programme of studies extends over a period of two years of full-time studies. Lectures are held during the day and are spread over five days a week.

Learning outcomes

Students successfully completing the Master in Accountancy should be able to:

• Critically analyse, evaluate and conclude on assurance engagements and other assurance issues in the context of best practice and current developments,
• Technically recognise and measure complex assets and liabilities and interpret developments in international accounting and issues in financial reporting,
• Prepare a set of consolidated financial statements, and account for the implementation of a scheme of reconstruction,
• Account for the tax treatment of specific transactions and examine and discuss the importance of EU directives on Maltese corporate tax system,
• Advise management and/or clients on major financial management decisions to be taken by various corporate entities, in particular those concerning the setting of financial goals for such entities and the development of strategies for the achievement of these goals, in line with the agreed policy framework,
• Distinguish between different valuation methods, and show the link between strategic planning and value creation, in the analysis of practical applications,
• Use sophisticated management accounting techniques to carry out detailed calculations and generate relevant decision making information, 
• Analyse the various aspects of organisational performance using an array of performance measurement tools and generate reports which can contribute to the strategy setting and execution processes of organisations,
• Describe the legislation related to financial services in Malta, discuss its importance and relevance and identify fraudulent behaviour and potential criminal activity in the winding up of companies.
• Identify, quantify, manage and monitor risks faced by organisations and by the accountant in practice,
• Look at the world of business as the world of human relations that needs to be regulated to prevent abuse of power, supported by a vision of appropriate forms of human solidarity and cooperation, 
• Examine the conditions for good corporate governance and analyse the lines along which corporate governance has been developing in recent years,
• Identify a suitable research topic in accountancy and write a feasible proposal with clearly defined objectives, research methodology and supporting literature.

Duration :

2 Years





Tuition & fees

€ 21,600 Per Year







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