Master Of Science In Blockchain And Distributed Ledger Technologies in University of Malta, Malta

Master Of Science In Blockchain And Distributed Ledger Technologies in University of Malta

This programme of study is also offered on a part-time basis. Please consult the Registrar’s website for more information pertaining to courses offered by the University.

The multi-disciplinary Master of Science in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies aims to attract students having an undergraduate first degree in ICT, Business or Law. The programme provides for an introduction to the various Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) disciplines to all students coming from the different streams, and provides advanced units to students within their specific stream.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) have the potential to change many applications and services. The field poses new academic and educational challenges due to the multi-disciplinary nature which includes ICT, Business and Law at its core. The underlying technology is required to provide decentralisation mechanisms and computational execution engines built on sound computer science and ICT principles. The provision of smart contracts is blurring the lines between real-world legal contracts and automated execution of legal obligations. Programmers will require knowledge of regulatory and legal frameworks within which smart contracts are being proposed, and similarly lawyers would be required to understand obligations laid out within smart contracts. With the advent of cryptocurrencies, built on Blockchain and DLTs, new financial and business models are being proposed - whereby finance and business professionals are requiring an appreciation of the underlying technical implementations and algorithms and surrounding legal frameworks. Software developers writing smart contracts and financial systems also require an understanding of the financial and business models which they are translating into code.

The programme provides both an interdisciplinary view of Blockchain and DLT, as well as specialisation within either an ICT, Law or Business area. The programme consists of three main components: (i) multi-disciplinary introductory units; (ii) advanced specialisation units; and (iii) a research project.

Depending upon the individual study-units, delivery will include intensive weeks, weekly or bi-weekly lectures as required.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme, the student will be able to:
- describe the multi-disciplinary area and how the various areas compliment and integrate together
- compare, contrast and analyse academic material in relation to their chosen specialisation
- present an in-depth description of their specialisation with particular emphasis on the subject matter pertaining to their advanced elective units
- demonstrate acquired expertise, rationale behind a hypothesis and originality of proposed work, and scientifically defend a proposed approach
- demonstrate the ability to critique, and present applications of research in the field as presented through academic material published in peer reviewed venues

Students participating in this programme will gain the following subject knowledge and understanding of:
a) what blockchain and DLTs are,
b) their functionality and implementation details,
c) and how they can decentralise applications;
d) and the state of the art within their area of focus.

Intellectually, skills gained by the students include: 
a) critical thinking (ability to read, assess, contrast and criticize academic literature)
b) academic project methodology including design, implementation and evalution

Key/transferable skills gained by students include:
a) academic reading and writing
b) orally present material, to an intelligent lay audience
c) organise a bibliography (develop bibliographic skills)
d) experience in a cross-disciplinary environment
e) undertake rigorous and valid research 
f) hands-on experience with emerging technology

Many of these skills are industry relevant and increase the student's employability.

Course intended for

The programme is primarily intended for students coming from an ICT, Law or Business related background and with a first degree or an equivalent professional qualification in their area of specialisation. However, students not in possession of such a qualification but who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board that their background, qualifications and experience equips them to follow the degree programme, may still apply.

Career opportunites and access to further studies

This M.Sc. programme will be of interest for those who would like to work in the Blockchain/DLT industry. 

Successful students would be able to further pursue a PhD in the area.

Duration :

3 Semesters





Tuition & fees

€ 10,000 Per Year







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